Makerspace Monday

Our first Makerspace Monday kicked off with Kindergarten and First Grade.  It was SUCH a fun day!!!  I was both excited and terrified of getting started in the Maker Movement.  We started with a few basic rules and then went for it!!  We did a lot of exploring for the first week.  I can't wait for our next Maker Monday!!

Creating Castles

Students were given books with real castle pictures, KEVA blocks and other wooden blocks to create their own castle.  They could use a picture or design one themselves.

Button Towers

Students tried to make the tallest tower using only buttons and play-dough.  Much harder than you would think!!

Marble Maze

Kids of all ages love this!

Robot Mouse

This is my favorite new game!!!  SOOOOO cool!!  I plan to use this for every grade (K-4th).  Students build a maze and then program the mouse to move through their maze.  Great thinking!

Various Building Thingies

I put out several tubs of various building activities:  they became glasses, skeletons, hammerhead sharks, etc.  You can also see magnet blocks in the background.

I also had Legos with letter cards- thanks Wildflower Ramblings!
I was surprised that the Legos weren't a bigger hit- I think maybe they were used to playing Legos at home and were more interested in other building materials?!?!!  IDK...  We also had block puzzles, and a bookmark making center.

We saw 9 classes for 30 minutes each- I felt like that was pretty spot-on for beginning of the year attention spans!  :)


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